
Tips for Running a Successful Self-Storage Business

Running a self-storage business may seem like it should be a walk in the park, but the reality is that it can be difficult for new business owners to get their feet on the ground. There are, however, plenty of things they can do to get things started off properly. Read on to find a few helpful tips from other industry insiders that can help.

Cultivate an Online Presence

In today’s technologically reliant world, it’s extremely important to have a strong online presence. This applies to both marketing directed at new potential customers and accommodating existing renters. Just about every successful storage facility has a well-designed website and utilizes the most up-to-date technologies available for attracting new customers and keeping in touch with the ones they already have.

Facilitate Easy Access

Today’s storage unit renters are often pressed for time as well as space, so it’s important to offer convenient access. Make sure that the facility allows for 24/7 access, but don’t sacrifice security for the sake of customer convenience. It is perfectly possible to both provide a secure facility for storage and allow legitimate customers to access their belongings as needed.

Don’t Be Quick to Sell

Those who have already established themselves within the self-storage industry should resist the temptation to sell on an impulse. Those investors who stick with their plans and follow through stand to make far larger profits than those that sell out. Even if the business is beginning to encounter tough times, it’s usually better to spend some extra money on updating the facilities and improving marketing techniques than it is to sell early.

Develop Better Marketing

Having trouble attracting new renters? The best thing to do is to diversify the company’s current marketing strategies. Look into both digital marketing and conventional marketing to reach larger audiences in the area and focus on areas of interest to customers such as convenient access, impressive security, and customer satisfaction rates.

Join an Industry Association

Some of the best ways to stay on top of industry trends is networking with others in the area, ensuring a facility is maintaining adequate standards compared to its competition, and joining an industry association. This gives business owners who focus on self storage in barry wales the opportunity to promote themselves, perform research into how their facilities can be improved, and join in on important discussions with others in the industry. It also lends credibility to businesses that are just getting off the ground, helping their customers to feel more comfortable renting units from them.